Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ballon Lamp Sweetable Lamp in Bedroom

I'm sure your kids would love to see the balloon lamp below. Just like a balloon with a white glow with a rope as a tool to turn on and off the balloon lamp. Via Estil...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pulse Chair Need for Sitting and Waiting

Pulse Chair a unique design of Fatih can Sarioz functioning as a chair where we sat and waited. Inspired by the heart rate pulse Fatih makes this chair, with a pretty finishing mix of white and orange colors also exist that use a laminate material. See here for detai...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Rib New Storage Style

  Rib a storage produced by Castelijn, storage is unique in its design consists of boxes that were given material with a combination of glossy trunk, door, tailboard and taper angles. Rib With this you can save your favorite books without fear of broken small drawers can also be used as storage media your trinkets...

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